属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-国会与总统 对峙
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-缅甸政府走向数码化
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第107期:怎么克服晕血症
1 | 我们要外出几天(如度假). | We’re going away for a few days,eg for a holiday. | |
2 | 我们走后留下什么了 | What have we left behind(ie after going away )? | |
3 | 我听说你要走了。你要去很远的地方吗 | I’m told you are going away . Are you traveling very far? | |
4 | 我要离开几天. | I’m going away for a few days. | |
5 | 现在白马领先,肯定会赢。 | The white horse is going away now, and is sure to win | |
6 | ||1:这项法案和奥巴马医改行之有效的方式,显示,国会里的共和党人深知法律并未失效。||2:(废除医改的法案也许最终会出现在总统的桌子上,但总统会否决。)||3:第二个可能变化就是废除奥巴马医改中医疗设备的2.3%税收,此举将会稍微增加赤字,但不会影响卫生法实施。||4:共和党也将努力重新定义全职工作——具体时长为一周30个小时—这也将激发员工义务购买保险。 | ||1:The way this bill works with Obamacare suggests that House Republicans know the law itself is not going away .||2:(A bill to repeal it may find its way to the president’s desk, but he would veto it.)||3:A second likely tweak will be to repeal Obamacare’s 2.3% tax on medical devices, which will slightly increase the deficit but not affect the way the health law works.||4:Republicans will also try to change the definition of full-time work, which triggers an employer’s obligation to provide insurance, from 30 hours a week to something lengthier. | |
7 | 缅甸政府多年来以同一种方式处理它们多数的业务。它使用大账簿记录婚姻、营业税甚至是政府机构之间的文件。但这一基于纸张的体系即将离我们而去,各部委转向了计算机。 | The government in Burma carries out much of its business the same way it has for years. It uses large books to record marriages, business taxes and even official documents between government agencies. But this paper-based system is going away , as ministries make the move to computers. | |
8 | 你要接受,那永远不会消失,你的身体里充满了血液。 | Come to terms that it’s never going away and that your body is filled with it. | |
9 | “外国品牌的特权正在一点点消失。”朱玺说,“中国市场的竞争越来越激烈。” | "Foreign brand privilege is going away , " Mr Chu said. "The country is getting more and more competitive. " | |
10 | “我可不太喜欢我的孩子们离开家,”做小买卖的丈夫说,“我作为一个家族的大房,别人应该到我这儿来。” | ’I don’t quite like my children going away from home, ’ said the haggler. ’As the head of the family, the rest ought to come to me. ’ | |
11 | Grubb认为ETF投资增长是可持续的,“购买的主要推动力没有消失。” | Grubb said the ETF investment growth was sustainable: "The main drivers of buying are not going away " . | |
12 | 按照本人的看法,PC游戏不会很快消失,理由非常多。 | In this author’s humble opinion, PC gaming is not going away any time soon -- for many, many reasons. | |
13 | 比如,埃克森CEO最近退休了,作为离任赠品,他得到了将近5亿美元。 | For example, the CEO of Exxon recently retired and was paid nearly half a billion dollars as a going-away present. | |
14 | 不像Y2K监测器,气温变化这个问题不会消失。 | Unlike the Y2K bug, it’s ’not going away ’. | |
15 | 不要成为一个每周末都回家和爸爸妈妈共进晚餐的人,有一天离开了学习该怎么办呢? | Don’t be one of those people who go home every weekend to have dinner with Mom and Dad. What’s the point of going away to school then? | |
16 | 初次离家上大学总会让人有些紧张。 | Going away to college for the first time always makes one a little nervous. | |
17 | 传统的刚性电路[3]还不会立刻淘汰,它们至少还很便宜,便于大规模地生产。 | Rigid chips and circuit boards will not be going away any time soon, because they are so inexpensive to manufacture on a massive scale. | |
18 | 但是,一些基本的标准(象SOAP和WSDL)似乎已获得众多追捧,看样子不会消失。 | However, the basics, like SOAP and WSDL, seem to have gotten a lot of traction and don’t seem to be going away . | |
19 | 到了年终的时候,纳塔莉亚团队的男同事因欢送会都去打高尔夫球了。 | At year end, the male members of Natalia’s team went golfing for their analyst going-away event. | |
20 | 对优秀经理人的需求远远没有消失,反之,需求正在加大。 | The need for good managers is not going away . | |
21 | 对于雇员说,坏消息是你不会停止日常的收发邮件,还有那些没完没了的会面。 | For employees, the bad news is that your daily deluge of e-mail isn’t going away , and neither are those endless meetings. | |
22 | 而郊区,作为城市扩张的一种方式将不会被耗尽。 | The suburbs, which stand in the way of expanding urban areas, aren’t going away . | |
23 | 而在卡拉诺看来,这点臭味没什么大不了的。“这不是烂鱼的臭味,”他说。“这是毒铅消失的诱人气息。” | Mr. Calanog does not see this as a problem. "The smell is not of fish, " he said. "It’s of toxic lead going away . " | |
24 | 基于竞选游行时,候选人之间的反复提及,这一问题的讨论在短时间内不会结束。 | Based on the back-and-forth between candidates on the campaign trail, the issue does not appear to be going away anytime soon. | |
25 | 凯特:星期五?嗨,到底有什么事?我要外出过周末。 | KATE: Next Friday? Why, what’s happening? I’m going away for the weekend. | |
26 | 蓝天远去人类如何生存? | How Can the Mankind Live When the Blue Sky Is Going Away ? | |
27 | 露西指出,这一类的捐助种类十分繁多,但不会消失。 | This can be a mixed bag for the sector, as Lucy points out, but it is not going away . | |
28 | 麦当劳遍地开花,可能永不消失。 | McDonald’s, it seems is everywhere, and not going away . | |
29 | 没有人能够确定2009年的流感将如何演变,但可以肯定的是,其并未走远。 | No one can be sure how 2009 flu will evolve, but it’s certainly not going away . | |
30 | 噢,糟糕!绳子断了。Clifford跑着来救我们,但他没能抓住绳子。我们随风越飘越远。 | Oh no, the rope breaks. Clifford runs to save us. But he doesn’t catch the rope. We are going away with the wind. |